The Ruta Continues -Granada to Almeria 

Camino Mozarabe, Spain

Day One – Granada to Quentar, 13 miles

 We’re continuing the Camino de Mozarabe for about 200 km from Granada to the seaside town of Almeria following Kevin F. O’Brian’s excellent guide and this information from the Almeria-Jacobea Association.

We’re actually doing the route backwards which has definitely been puzzling to people and makes following the myriad yellow arrows a bit challenging at times.

Here’s the route. Each stage is about 12 miles.

I was at last able to get our pilgrimage passports from the diocese in Granada. Once we get to Almeria we’ll visit the coast then go to Salamanca and do the Camino Plata route to Santiago.

Goodbye Granada!

Some of the produce we’re seeing in the markets.

Climbing up into the hills above the city a last bit of Granadian graffiti.

Snow covered Sierra Nevadas in the distance. You can also see some of the Moorish terracing done centuries ago. They were amazing with agricultural technology and much is still in use today.

Flowering Agave plant. This area reminds me of Arizona!

Goats near the ruins of a French built aqueduct from the 20’s. This was built to bring water for gold mining to the town of Dudar on the Darro River.

We arrived in Quentar and walked up the hill to the Fundalucia Guesthouse; a cozy spot with a warm fire and good conversation.

Shared kitchen

Lovely view from the patio.