Guadix to Alquife – 16 miles
Walking out of Guadix we went through the neighborhood of caves and admired their beauty. On the outskirts of town were several brick making sites using the clay of the area.

Large brick making operation.

Homage to a beloved neighbor.

Steps in brick making

Cave house
We passed through Cogollos de Guadix and saw the Mudejar church and the Arabic water cistern then walked towards the forest. On the way we met a shepherd who was patient and kind enough to talk with us.


Roman cistern

He was 80 years old and talked of how much better life is now than when he was younger, how the food is plentiful and there is work to be had if you want it. He asked where we would sleep that night and gave the darkening clouds over the nearby Sierra Nevadas a worried look. We assured him we had it all figured out and continued on to Jerez Del Marquesado.
In this lovely village we ate a late lunch at Los Cortijos. We are still learning the names of different dishes so I’ve been asking the servers what they prefer then ordering that. So far it’s worked out pretty well. One of the other patrons stood us a shot of rum so we set off with full bellies and a spring in our step.
Arriving as night fell and rain threatened in Alquife we asked directions to the albergue I’d talked with the night before. No luck finding it so I called only to discover it was quite far out of town. Feeling a bit concerned we asked again and were guided up the hill to the Albergue Lacho. Here we were warmly welcomed, given tea and many warm blankets. Whew!

Moorish tower

Cherry brandy

Albergue Lacho