In Vitoria-Gasteiz since yesterday. The city was founded over 900 years ago and the old town has an ancient feel.
Here’s a video of traditional dancing:

Open the door and build gardens (per Google translate).


Art museum

There was a fair recreating the time of the Peninsular War against the French.

More great graffiti.

Writer Ignacio Aldecoa. Bookstores and monuments to writers and poets are all over Spain. People read!

Adorable tiny dogs in jackets abound; “los mascotas”.

Old city wall

Traditional bread

Wall art

Window display


Traditional dancers

We took a tour of the under-renovation cathedral.


Old town

Garden at the base of the Cathedral.

The Basque freedom organization, ETA, has disbanded but political prisoners are still held all over Spain. There is an effort to have them moved to prisons closer to families and to get proper medical care.

Main square